14/7 – Limbo Competition results

This was also held during the Birthday Bash and some extracts are in the video here.  Generally there was the usual commendable level of incompetence shown except for the stand out winner Greg Bradley who achieved 13 passes in 1 minute with his foamy 3D model – shown below receiving his trophy from Alan. The… Read More »

13/7 – Birthday Bash and Round the World Challenge

This was held on Sunday 9th July and despite the dodgy weather forecast we had a warm and sunny day with generally light winds.  A great turnout of about 50 FF, CL and RC pilots enjoyed the flying, banter and Steves BBQ.  Thanks to everyone who came along and especially to the cook Steve. We… Read More »

5/7 – Birthday Bash this Sunday

This is our annual fly in to celebrate the clubs birthday and founding in 1946. Everyone is welcome and we have booked the field from 9am to 5pm. You can drive your car onto the field (sharp right after the houses). The gate should be open but for future ref the lock code is 1468.… Read More »

24/6 – Birthday Bash and fly in Sunday 9th July

A special reminder of our Birthday Bash all day fly in at Impington on Sunday 9th July – all the details are on the website Annual Birthday Bash and BMFA Round the World challenge – Impington Village College Model Aeroplane Club Feel free to come along for the whole day or parts of it as… Read More »

13/6 – Flight Safety News

You may have seen a news article about a fatal model plane accident in Spain earlier this month.  A man was walking out to retrieve his model at a well established club when he was hit on the head by a large turbine powered model coming in to land.  He was killed instantly by his… Read More »

5/6 – Guidance for Quadcopter and Drone flyers at IVC

The following information was sent to all club members on 5th June Impington is a very rare club where we have a regular Friday meeting and fly a varied mix of Free Flight, Control Line, Fixed Wing Radio and Quads / Drones.  We also aim to have a very light touch on rules and are… Read More »

15/5 – World record attempt – IVCMAC contribution

23 of us joined in yesterday and managed to fly 36 models at noon – 2 up on last year due to cunning methods being employed. A full report will be in the next newsletter, but a video of the carnage is below.  Thanks also to Chris Constant who took the photo at the end… Read More »

10/4 – World Record attempt this Sunday 14th May

Just a reminder that we are taking part in the BMFAs attempt to break last years record of 3,109 models in the air across the country at 12 noon We have booked the Sports Hall from 11am to 1pm this Sunday 14th. This is for mixed RC and FF flying with a break at noon… Read More »