5/7 – Birthday Bash this Sunday

By | July 5, 2023

This is our annual fly in to celebrate the clubs birthday and founding in 1946. Everyone is welcome and we have booked the field from 9am to 5pm. You can drive your car onto the field (sharp right after the houses). The gate should be open but for future ref the lock code is 1468. RC flying will be from the sandpit area at the far side of the field.

Steve Mynott is doing a free BBQ at lunchtime – sausages and burgers with a few veggie burgers based on past requests. If you do have any other exotic requirements, feel free to bring something and put it on the BBQ.

There will be 3 competitions starting at 11am

1. FF rubber power for small models preferably Rays designs for the Bow Tie trophy
2. Catapult and chuck glider
3. Radio Limbo under the tape

In addition we will also be taking part in a new BMFA challenge “Around the World in 8 hours”. This is a new initiative for clubs to contribute as many km as they can in 8 hours to see if the total is over 25,000km.

For the round the world challenge, to avoid overcomplication, please would everyone count their km and write it down at the end of the day on the master scoresheet….. What could possibly go wrong?

For RC flyers, the km will clock up – you could time each flight and do a calculation based on average speed. For CL flyers there is an old calculation devised by Archimedes based on pies which you may remember. For the FF guys it all depends on wind and thermals. Don’t worry about getting your estimate to the last metre!! Good luck!!