13/7 – Birthday Bash and Round the World Challenge

By | July 13, 2023

This was held on Sunday 9th July and despite the dodgy weather forecast we had a warm and sunny day with generally light winds.  A great turnout of about 50 FF, CL and RC pilots enjoyed the flying, banter and Steves BBQ.  Thanks to everyone who came along and especially to the cook Steve.

We took part in the BMFA Round the World challenge and it was amazing to see how the miles clocked up even though we calculated in metric.

The total distance flown during the day was 382km.  This was made up of 32km FF, 150km CL and 200km RC.  The RC included one “flyaway” but we didn’t count the walking to retrieve it or the carrying back LOL.

Some pictures from the day are below and a short video is here.