BMFA World Record attempt

By | March 16, 2022
May 15, 2022 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
IVC Main Sports Hall
Alan Paul

We are one of many clubs having a special one off event to contribute to the BMFA world record attempt for the number of model planes in the air at one time. The current record is a measly 180, so we should be able to beat this quite easily. The total will be the sum of all the clubs efforts.

This session will be open to lightweight RC planes and all types of FF planes. There will be general flying between 11am and 1pm free of charge. We will have a 10 minute break to attempt the world record at 12 noon.

Please note that RC planes should be able to keep to one end of the hall to allow FF models to have the other half.  FF models often stray into the RC half, so RC pilots should take avoiding action as FF has priority over RC.  Please don’t bring fast or heavy RC planes for this event!!

The format for the record attempt is to launch as many planes as possible just before 12 noon and then count the number in the air at exactly 12 for Guinness World Record verification. It’s hoped that some members will be able to launch 2 FF models at the same time to increase the numbers in the air. RC flyers will probably only manage one LOL.

There is no need to do anything other than turn up with a suitable model on the day.  We will have video cameraman Chris Constant and photographer Yuliya on hand to record the event.  The only requirements for record verification are to have a list of pilots and models plus a group photo showing everyone just after the event.

Timings for the event are here

The general website for the record attempt is here World Record Attempt | BMFA Centenary



