14/7 – Minutes of an EGM held on 14th July 2022

By | July 14, 2022

As advised, we held an EGM on 14th July by Zoom.

The 2 motions – to vote Paul Burling into the position of treasurer and to amend the constitution to allow internet banking were carried jointly by a vote of 30 for the motions and none against.

Paul is now our new treasurer and will begin the process of taking over from Ann Parker.  The committee wished to thank Ann for doing this job since 2014 and also to Paul for taking on the task.

The minutes of the EGM are on the club website here Minutes-of-an-EGM-held-on-14th-July-2022.pdf (bmfa.uk)

The new constitution with amended para 9 is on the website here Impington Village College Model Aeroplane Club (bmfa.uk)