13/7 – Cubs visit this Friday 15th and the dreaded rugby posts

By | July 13, 2022

We have the much postponed visit by the Cottenham cubs this Friday 15th.  They will split into 3 groups of 8 and rotate round RC, FF and CL spending 30 minutes at each.


Please join in and show off your models to the cubs!!  Full details on our website here 2nd Cottenham Cubs group visit – Impington Village College Model Aeroplane Club (bmfa.uk)


Regarding the rugby posts, I spoke to the caretaker who was in a very bad mood after the builders had just put loads of turf down and it was burning away in front of his eyes!!  He said the posts were staying there and that was that and disappeared off mumbling to himself…….!!


To that end, we decided that as a general rule for the rest of this summer, whenever possible, RC flying would be from in front of the big trees at the green location shown in the link below.  This is the best compromise whilst giving space for CL and FF activities.


Safety-Guidelines-for-RC-Flying-at-Impington-on-website.pdf (bmfa.uk)