3/6 – Ray Malmstrom Cup postponed till Sunday 12th June

The Ray Malmstrom Cup competition for control line aerobatics due to be held at Girton this Sunday has been put back a week to the 12th June due to the rather grotty weather forecast!! Looking on the bright side, this will give our club CL pilots plenty of time to practice at the Birthday Bash… Read More »

25/5 – Centenary events

I have uploaded another video of the record attempt on 15th May – you can view it here You can view the one I sent round earlier here The final tally was 3,109 models in the air at noon, of which we contributed 34. 263 clubs participated. Thanks to Chris Constant for the videos. The… Read More »

21/5 – World Record Attempt on 15th May

24 of us gathered in the Impington Sports Hall to fly indoor models for the record attempt last Sunday. A pilots briefing was held with 5 minutes to go and then we had various countdowns to the launch times. RC flyers launched at 30 seconds to midday, FF rubber powered at 10 seconds to midday… Read More »

21/4 – Committee meeting held on 14th April

The minutes of the recent committee meeting are here.  Key points arising are summarised below but please read the minutes for full details – • The clubs bank balance has been reducing a little faster than planned with the free Saturdays indoor flying. As relatively few people attend this could be seen as somewhat unfair… Read More »

6/4 – last indoor meeting this Thursday

This Thursday 7th is the last indoor evening meeting, and then the following Day Friday 8th is the first outdoor meeting on the field from 7pm. The new school building is now complete and the attached photo shows the new car park. The road access down Park Drive is also now smooth and resurfaced. We… Read More »

19/3 – BMFA World Record Attempt 15th May

You may have heard that the BMFA are holding a special World Record attempt on Sunday 15th May, so if you want to be a world record holder, put the date in your diary and read on…….. We are one of many clubs having a special one off event to contribute to the BMFA world… Read More »

21/1 – Face masks not required from Thursday 27th Jan

The club will not be asking members to wear face masks for indoor flying from Thursday 27th Jan in line with the new government guidance. However, it would be good if members continued to spread out in the halls and avoid unnecessary close contact. Please feel free to wear a mask if you want to.

19/11 – Face coverings required for indoor flying

We have been canvassing opinions from members and with the onset of winter and a rise in covid cases there is some concern that we may be putting members at risk by not requiring face coverings. With immediate effect the following rules are temporarily in place for the safety of our members and will be… Read More »