10/4 – World Record attempt this Sunday 14th May

By | May 10, 2023

Just a reminder that we are taking part in the BMFAs attempt to break last years record of 3,109 models in the air across the country at 12 noon

We have booked the Sports Hall from 11am to 1pm this Sunday 14th. This is for mixed RC and FF flying with a break at noon to attempt the record.

RC will have half the hall so it’s only suitable for small slow RC planes.

Please come along to take part – any model that can stay airborne for a few seconds is eligible, even paper darts. The more the merrier.

FF rubber flyers should be able to launch 2 models (you will need some system to keep them wound and ready – I favour a clothes peg on the prop).

There will be a 5 minute countdown to a mass launch for FF a few seconds before 12 noon. RC flyers can of course launch earlier

See you there