11/4 – Outdoor flying starts on Friday 14th

By | April 11, 2023

Well, the indoor flying season has finished for this winter – it seems to have gone well with plenty of people coming along on Saturday afternoons.  If you have any comments, please let me have them for the committee to review.  The indoor dates in the run up to Christmas are now on the website calendar and indoor flying will resume on Saturday 16th September.

Outdoor flying starts this Friday and we have booked the field from an earlier start time of 6pm.  Please check the website for details and please take note of the limitations for RC flying.  I took a video of the field and you will not believe this, but not only are the single rugby posts still up in the middle of the field, but the fallen down posts at the other end are still there as well.  What a shambles!!  However, it does make an interesting challenge for the RC flyers.  See the video here – Impington outdoor flying site April 2023 – YouTube

Access is OK down Park Drive to the new car park as per last summer.

You will also recall that we are in negotiations with the Sports Centre ref their draconian price increases.  Generally speaking we seem to have reached an amicable solution but are still waiting for a final written agreement and I will update you in due course.  We do not anticipate having to raise subs significantly so don’t panic!!