21/4 – Committee meeting held on 14th April

By | April 21, 2022

The minutes of the recent committee meeting are here.  Key points arising are summarised below but please read the minutes for full details –

• The clubs bank balance has been reducing a little faster than planned with the free Saturdays indoor flying. As relatively few people attend this could be seen as somewhat unfair so we have decided that indoor Saturday flying next winter will be charged at £5 per adult.
• The search for an additional flying site has proved to be as difficult as anticipated, however it will continue on a low key basis.
• Our treasurer Ann Parker has decided to retire at the end of this financial year (October 31st) and the committee has appointed Paul Burling to take over. We will be asking members to vote Paul in officially in due course. Our thanks go to Ann for sterling work over the last 8 years and also to Paul for volunteering to take over.

If you have any comments about any items in the minutes, please let me have them. We are always on the lookout for members to join the committee to help in the running of the club and influence strategy, so please have a chat if you are interested.