4/12 – Revised indoor RC flying guidelines

By | December 4, 2023

Following the 2023 AGM and suggestions from regular indoor RC flyers, the committee has further refined the flying slots into 4 x 15 minute slots as outlined in the revised guidelines attached.

We realise that there is no perfect solution for indoor RC flying but think this should work if everyone follows the spirit of the guidelines which will take effect from the next indoor RC session on 9th December.

We are not advertising our indoor RC sessions or encouraging people from other clubs as we think that we are pretty much at capacity!!

To take advantage of all the slots, flyers could consider building or buying suitable models for each slot!

The timings will start from 1pm promptly so Vapor pilots who want to get the full 15 minutes at the start should get ready quickly. Myself and others who don’t fly Vapors will get the netting out of the way etc.
