2/10 – Christmas Party 14th December information

By | October 2, 2022

You will remember that we were having trouble organising a DIY Christmas get together as we have done in the past and were looking at alternatives.  About 20 people responded to say they were interested in a pub meal instead.

We have now booked the upstairs private room at the Histon Smokehouse from 7pm for a meal at 7.30pm on Wednesday 14th Dec.  Cost including tips is £30 for 2 courses and £35 for 3 courses.  There will be a cash bar on the night.  The stairs are quite steep.

There is a maximum of 32 seats (which will be a squeeze).

Later, when I have the list of names, I will ask you to choose from the menu and pay the full amount upfront either by bank transfer to the club or cash to me or the treasurer Paul Burling.

This will be a first for the club – it should be fun

Link to Christmas menu here  XMAS MENU (histonsmokehouse.co.uk)



Club Sec

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  1. Pingback: 20/10 – Vote on the proposed new indoor flying and last call for Christmas do – Impington Village College Model Aeroplane Club

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