11/9 – Indoor flying starts on Thursday 15th Sept

By | September 11, 2022

Our Friday outdoor flying sessions finished last Friday.  After a windy start to the season, we had a few really nice evening sessions.  I lay claim to being the last model airborne in the dark with my FPV Funnystar – see the video here Impington Village College at night – YouTube

Indoor flying in the gym starts on Thursday 15th Sept at 7pm.  We fly alternating 30 minute slots for Free Flight and Radio Control and we start with FF one week and RC the next week to even things up as the evening is 2.5 hours.  For a list of who starts first on each Thursday check the website “Upcoming Events” list where there is a link on each event to a list of who starts first!!

The Old Gym is opposite the main Sports Hall inside the Sports Centre.  Entry is via the mens or ladies changing rooms (as appropriate!!)

Saturday sessions in the big Sports Hall start on 24th September.

Thursday evenings are free, but Saturday afternoons cost £5 per adult flyer (juniors free)

Please check the website for details https://ivcmac.bmfa.uk/