Indoor flying cancelled till December

Following the latest lockdown rules, all Thursday and Saturday indoor sessions are cancelled for a month.  The next planned session is Thursday 3rd Dec. Please keep checking the website for the latest info.

Additional Saturday indoor flying dates added

We have added a series of Saturday indoor flying dates for RC and FF.  These will be held in the Gropius Hall from 12 noon till 3pm and will cost £3 Full details are in the “Upcoming Events” section.

26th Sept – Indoor Flying definitely allowed

Following all the Government rule changes it got quite confusing to tell what was allowed – could we have more than 6 people in the indoor flying halls etc? Anyway, it’s now confirmed that indoor flying can take place with more than 6 people as long as we follow the Covid safe rules and don’t… Read More »

14th Sept – Indoor meetings back on

Following discussions with BMFA and the Sports Centre, indoor meetings are back on from this Thursday.  See the Upcoming Events for full details, but the Covid Safe rules are below for info.

10th Sept – The future of indoor meetings

Well, the honest truth is we just don’t know, but after the recent “Rule of 6” it seems that indoor meetings may require a bit of work to operate within the new rules Indoor meetings up to and including Saturday 12th Sept remain booked and available to members. We are awaiting info from the BMFA… Read More »

4th Sep – Face Masks mandatory for Indoor Flying at IVC

Face coverings are required for our indoor flying sessions.  This applies to flyers and spectators.  In addition we should all aim to keep 2m social distancing where possible, but the use of face coverings means the new 1m “plus” rule can be applied. Face masks are primarily for the protection of others, so anyone not… Read More »

3 Sep – Indoor Flying in Sports Hall

In addition to the regular Thursday evening flying in the Gropius Hall, we have booked 2 sessions for FF only and 2 for RC only in the Sports Hall on Saturday afternoons.  See the Events Calendar for dates and full info. Note that as at today, we can only have half the Sports Hall as… Read More »