23 Feb – Outdoor flying update

Friday evening outdoor model flying will resume at the College at 7pm on 9th April. Please follow the temporary Covid rules We are waiting for an announcement as to when flying will be allowed again at Girton and other public areas.  This will be posted on the website as soon as we hear anything.

23 Feb – Indoor flying update

Following the recent announcements, there will sadly be no more indoor flying at Impington this winter.  Outdoor flying will start at the College on Friday 9th April. When the Sports Centre opens again, we will try to organise some Saturday afternoon indoor flying sessions over the summer if there is demand from club members. Hopefully… Read More »

30 Jan – Article 16 Tick Box

You have probably just about had enough of being told what to do for this year already, but if you haven’t ticked the box on the BMFA system to show that you understand the new rules, it’s time to do it. There are 2 methods 1. Log on to the website where you renew your… Read More »

27 Jan – Indoor model flying update

Following the announcement that schools won’t reopen until 8th March at the earliest, the programme has been updated to show the next possible indoor flying session as Thursday 11th March. Frankly it is unlikely this will go ahead, however it’s the best information we have at the moment.

14 Jan – Indoor model flying sitrep

We still have no idea about when we will be allowed back for indoor flying at the Sports Centre, and of course members may well want to exercise their own discretion even when we are allowed back. The Events Calendar has now been amended to show the next indoor meeting as Thursday 4th March, however… Read More »

7 Jan – Girton unavailable for model flying during lockdown

The BMFA have just published new guidance as shown below in red which means public spaces like Girton are no longer available for recreation such as model flying. Whilst outdoor exercise is still allowed, either alone or with one other person, we are now no longer permitted to leave our homes to visit public outdoor… Read More »

5 Jan – Next indoor model flying session

The Events calendar shows the next session as Thursday 4th Feb, however after the lockdown announcement, this seems a bit optimistic!! We will review things in late January or whenever any announcements are made and update the website.  We will also e-mail all members with updates.  

24 Dec – Sports Centre Closed from today

The Sports Centre has closed due to Tier 4 restrictions, so the assumption has to be that Indoor Model flying at the Sports Centre is off for a while – probably the whole of January. The Upcoming Events section of the website has been amended accordingly.  Please keep an eye on the website for updates!!… Read More »

20 Dec – Events Calendar updated for 2021

The Events Calendar has been updated to show all our planned dates for 2021 including – Thursday evenings in the Gym Saturday Free Flight flying in the Sports Hall Saturday Radio Control flying in the Sports Hall Friday outdoor sessions on the IVC Sports Field