10/11 – Notice of Annual Report and Zoom AGM

By | November 10, 2022

As we did last year, we will be producing an annual report this year.  This will be sent to you in draft form towards the end of November when it is ready, and we will then have a short Zoom AGM so you can comment on the report and we can ratify it.  The Zoom AGM will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 7th December 2022.  When we send the draft annual report, there will be a link to the Zoom meeting and an option to reply to accept the report if you don’t want to Zoom in……

This e-mail is to ask you if you have any items to be raised as AOB, so the committee can discuss and respond to them in the draft report.  Just reply to this e-mail.

Also we would like any volunteers to put themselves forward for any of the vacant (or indeed not vacant) committee posts.  The current holders are shown on the website here Committee – Impington Village College Model Aeroplane Club (bmfa.uk)