19/11 – Face coverings required for indoor flying

By | November 19, 2021

We have been canvassing opinions from members and with the onset of winter and a rise in covid cases there is some concern that we may be putting members at risk by not requiring face coverings. With immediate effect the following rules are temporarily in place for the safety of our members and will be reviewed at Christmas.

1. Wear a face covering in all indoor flying areas
2. As some members may find it difficult to fly whilst wearing glasses and a mask due to “steaming up”, you can remove your mask whilst flying if you absolutely need to, but should put it back after flying.

The dispensation at point 2 is needed as we are a flying club and there is not much point in going flying if you can’t see!! However, by using a good fitting mask it should be possible to avoid steaming up your glasses.

Thanks for your cooperation